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How to migrate dbunit data sets?

I often use DBUnit when it comes to integration tests related to the database. DBUnit is a lovely tool to setup a database for integration tests, but it also has a downside: “As more tests you write, more files need to be changed in case of a database schema change“. Wouldn’t it be nice if there would be a tool support, a tool that just scans your project, collects all the data sets it finds and migrates them using your Flyway scripts? Background The best for tests is that you have one data set for one test and maybe even data sets for the database state assertions, but this would… Read More »How to migrate dbunit data sets?

Breaking static dependencies using Java 8 lambdas

Static dependencies are usually bad , because that dependencies are based on the class level and class objects can not be replaced at runtime in contrast to object instances. That’s why static dependencies are usually a pain if it comes to tests. When you want to write a unit test you usually want to mock the dependent objects, but you can’t do that if the dependent object is a class. Timing is for example hard to test, because it is based on the static call to System.currentTimeMillis(); and the result of currentTimeMillis changes all the time. Of course it does, because it’s the nature of time but that makes it also hard… Read More »Breaking static dependencies using Java 8 lambdas

Enums as type discriminator anti-pattern

In Java 1.5 enums were introduced to ease handling of constant values. Enums can improve code quality, because they are types that the compiler can check. But they can also be misused and lower the code quality. In this blog I want to discuss the misuse of enums as type discriminators and show you why this kind of usage is an anti-pattern from an object-oriented perspective. Type-switches What I call a “type-switch” is just any conditional statement that does type checks in order to execute type specific code. Here are some examples of type switches. HumanState humnanState = …; if(humanState instanceof HappyState){ singHappySong(); } else if(humanState instanceof SadState){ singDirge(); } HumanState humanState =… Read More »Enums as type discriminator anti-pattern

Bugs love logging to hide

A lot of projects run integration and unit tests, but often miss a little something – logging. When you use logging you often check if the log level is enabled or not before you log. But this means that you introduce a control flow statement that enables or disables some code. So if you miss to enable logging for your tests you let code untested and bugs love untested code, because they can hide there. But it is easy to remove this hiding places for bugs. Avoid log level checks if possible If you can avoid log level enabled checks, you avoid control flow statements and this  means that you remove hiding… Read More »Bugs love logging to hide

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